
What We Do

At the Center for Pre-Law Advising we provide advising and programming for all UW-Madison students and alumni (no time limit!) at all stages in the process of considering, preparing for, and applying to law school. 

CPLA supports advisees to:

  • Strategically explore careers in the legal profession
  • Consider experiential learning and networking opportunities
  • Prepare for the LSAT and/or assess alternative testing pathways
  • Plan for gap/experiential years
  • Develop law school application materials
  • Decide where to attend law school
  • Connect with additional resources to help you achieve your goals

Everything we do in CPLA is aimed at working collaboratively with advisees, campus/community partners, and law school admissions representatives to help increase access, equity, and diversity of perspectives in the field of law. 

Use all of your resources!

CPLA is part of your broader campus support network, which includes many other important academic, career services, and student development resources.

Our History

Originally funded by a grant called the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates (MIU), the Center for Pre-Law Advising was created in 2012 as part of a campus-wide effort to increase student access to advising.

In 2017 we joined forces with the Center for Pre-Health Advising (CPHA) to form the University’s first Pre-Professional Advising hub. The Centers are co-located in suite 205 of the Middleton Building and are housed within the Office of Academic & Career Success, alongside a number of other academic and career development resources.

Meet Our Staff

Janet Mitchell

Credentials: Juris Doctor, 2012

Position title: Pre-Law Advisor, Lead for Data and Test Preparation

Email: janet.mitchell@wisc.edu

Carley Gomez

Credentials: PhD, MFA

Position title: Pre-Law Advisor, Lead for Professional Development

Email: cmgomez3@wisc.edu

Bridget Cook

Position title: Pre-Law Graduate Advisor; Third Year (3L) Law Student

Email: bccook@wisc.edu

Molly Reinhard

Credentials: MS, NREMT

Position title: Director of Pre-Professional Advising, Centers for Pre-Law & Pre-Health Advising

Email: molly.reinhard@wisc.edu

Laurin Dodge

Credentials: MA

Position title: Operations Coordinator, Centers for Pre-Law & Pre-Health Advising

Email: laurin.dodge@wisc.edu

Rachel Goodman

Position title: Communications Coordinator

Email: rlgoodman2@wisc.edu

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The Pre-Law Press is a monthly newsletter for pre-law students, authored by the Center for Pre-Law Advising (CPLA). Look for it the third Thursday of every month year-round.

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