Welcome to the Center for Pre-Law Advising!
Whether you are just starting to explore law school or you’ve always wanted to become an attorney, the Center for Pre-Law Advising (CPLA) is for you.
The Center for Pre-Law Advising (CPLA) is a centralized resource for all UW-Madison students and alumni – no time limit. Our team seeks to help increase access and equity within the field of law through providing excellent advising, programming, and other career development resources for all stages of the process of considering, preparing for, or applying to law school.
We are based in Pre-Professional Advising, Suite 205 Middleton Building, with the Center for Pre-Health Advising (CPHA).
Questions? Contact us at information@prelaw.wisc.edu.
Get Advising
As a UW-Madison student, you will have access to CPLA’s resources for as long as you need them — even after you graduate. Click here to learn how to access Pre-Law advising and support from other campus offices dedicated to your career success.
First-Year Students
Considering law school? We are excited to support you on your journey! Learn more about how to connect with CPLA and access important academic and career development resources during your first year.
CPLA Events Calendar
CPLA hosts a range of events throughout the year, including summer. Stay up to date on Pre-Law career panels, LSAT workshops, Law School Expo, Application Prep events, and more!
The Center for Pre-Law Advising newsletter is the place where we share upcoming events, opportunities, and updates for students and alumni planning to go to law school or just exploring law related careers. Look for it in your inbox on the third Thursday of every month!
Attend a Law School Forum
Each year, Law School Forums hosted by the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) serve as invaluable opportunities for aspiring law students to learn about law school and connect with law school representatives.
Meet with an Advisor
Learn more about advising resources through CPLA,, including options for 1:1 appointments and drop-ins. CPLA offers a mix of in-person and virtual appointments throughout the year as well as virtual drop-in hours during October and November.
Upcoming Advising & Career Development Events
- February
- February 17CPT Workshop: ISS Advising Workshop SeriesAdvising Workshop: hosted by International Student Services (ISS)4:30 PM, Online
- February 18
- February 18